Empire’s Treasure® Fair Trade-Certified Salmon Franks

Performance Foodservice is pleased to announce Empire’s Treasure® Fair Trade-Certified Salmon Franks! These franks are made from Bay Winds® Fair Trade-Certified Norwegian Salmon sourced from Kvarøy, a picturesque island located in the Norwegian Inner Passage of the Arctic Circle.

Finally, a “hot dog-style” frank that is more than just a tasty meal. Empire’s Treasure® Fair Trade-Certified Salmon Franks are actually good for you! These franks are fully cooked and packed 140/2-oz. portions per case, are non-GMO, gluten-free, and can be stored in the freezer for up to one year. Simply thaw and boil, grill, broil, or pan fry.

Empire’s Treasure® Fair Trade-Certified Salmon Franks offer a twist on the traditional hot dog. They are prized for their mild taste, familiar snap, and nutritional advantages. Empire’s Treasure® Fair Trade-Certified Salmon Franks are quick and easy to make, packed with a full weekly recommended intake of Omega-3s in one serving, affordable, and fun for all ages!

Empire’s Treasure® Fair Trade-Certified Salmon Franks are fully cooked and delicious once grilled, broiled, boiled, or pan fried and can be topped with any traditional hot dog toppings including favorites like chili, cheese, coleslaw, relish, onions, mustard, and ketchup. They are also delicious as an ingredient in quiche or wrapped in a crescent roll and baked for a quick and easy appetizer or snack.

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