Guacamole and chipsWe are proud to present Contigo® Frozen Avocado Pulp and two flavors of Guacamole all with real authentic taste!

Contigo® Frozen Avocado Pulp features frozen Hass avocado pulp seasoned with sea salt and lime. Contigo® Frozen Avocado Pulp is perfect for mostly Latin dishes because it provides a creamy and smooth texture and a flavorful taste that only avocados can deliver.

Contigo® Guacamole is great for dips, as a condiment, or a salad ingredient. Contigo® Western Guacamole is made from Hass avocados, red bell pepper, onion, salt, jalapeño pepper, garlic and lime juice concentrate.

Contigo® Southwestern Guacamole omits the red bell
pepper and adds tomato and dehydrated cilantro.

Contigo® Frozen Avocado Pulp and Guacamole are
available frozen airtight pouches.

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