For many people, Labor Day signifies a much-needed three-day weekend to recharge and relax. But for restaurant owners, the holiday weekend is a great opportunity to drive sales and increase profits heading into September.

Empower the Home Grill Masters

Having a party at home to celebrate Labor Day weekend is one of the most popular options for people across the country. Along with a few drinks, the grill will surely see its fair share of action, and this provides an opportunity to create a unique, but simple, product offering for the holiday weekend — BBQ kits.

The items inside the kits will vary depending on the type of food your restaurant typically offers. For example, seafood restaurants can prepare a grilled shrimp kit with a sauce and sides for customers to take home. Many grill masters will welcome the option to simply toss food on the grill rather than preparing it all by hand.

Don’t Stop the Party

Even if your eatery currently offers a happy hour, it’s a good idea to consider briefly altering your menu or promotion to reflect the holiday. Since Labor Day is often associated with beverages, you could offer extended hours for the happy hour specials or try partnering with a local brewery to bring new options to the menu.

Winning Seasonal Specials

Many chefs and restaurateurs find themselves with leftover seasonal ingredients toward the end of summer. While it’s often impossible to avoid all waste, you can decrease the amount of product you throw away by incorporating it into a Labor Day special.

For example, soups and salads are a great way to incorporate seasonal vegetables into dishes. If you have an abundance of zucchini left over, try pairing it with some pine nuts and a lemon vinaigrette to create a zucchini salad.

Hard Work Appreciated

With many families focused on getting together for Labor Day, it’s easy to overlook the meaning of the holiday. Labor Day is a time to honor and thank working people for all they do for the country.

Offering a free or discounted meal to diners performing critical roles in the community, like teachers and first responders, can be a great way to give back to those who sacrifice their time and energy to make our lives better.

Give Mom a Break

Since kids generally have Labor Day off from school, their parents often look for things to do throughout the holiday. Offering a “kids eat free” special can be an excellent way to drive customers through the door.

If you have the space outside your restaurant, you can take the idea one step further and offer activities for kids too. For example, having art stations, music, or carnival-type games can keep kids entertained and is a great way to connect with community members.

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